
F-P cavity-based interferometric fiber optic sensors

  • 摘要: 讨论了本研究小组有关F-P腔光纤干涉型传感器多参数测量的研究进展。在单模光纤与薄膜或空气间隙等构成的法布里-珀罗腔结构基础上,分别发展出基于F-P腔干涉和基于F-P腔调制菲涅尔反射的温度、液体和固体折射率光纤传感器。理论分析和实验均证明,温度的变化可转化为干涉光谱波峰或波谷中心波长的偏移测量,通过干涉光谱的条纹反衬度可解调出液体或固体折射率。光纤干涉型传感技术可拓展其它功能,是高端领域传感测量的发展方向。


    Abstract: This article presents our research works on interferometric fiber optic sensors for measurements of multi-parameters. Based on a FabryPerot cavity formed by the interfaces between a fiber end and a sensing film or air-gap and between a sensing film or air-gap and the measured object, F-P interference-based and Fresnel-reflection modulated with F-P cavity fiber-optic sensors for temperature measurement and refractive index measurements of liquid and solid have been respectively developed. It is shown theoretically and experimentally that, temperature variation sensing can be converted into the measurement of temperature-dependent peak or dip shift of the interference spectrum, and the fringe contrast of the interference spectrum can be used to determine the RI of liquid or solid. Other functions and applications of an interferometric fiber optic sensor could be extended easily, which is an important development direction in sensing equipment.


