
Transit Accessibility and the Characteristics of Resident’s Travel Based on GIS

  • 摘要: 基于广州市现状城市公交路线路网数据,借助GIS 软件平台,研究社区的公共交通可达性,并基于问卷调查数据,探讨了社区居民出行需求与公共交通供给的匹配情况.结果表明:广州市4个案例社区的公共交通可达时间均呈现出由社区向四周沿公交地铁线路网呈圈层递增扩散的分布特征;中间时段公共交通时间可达性等级较高峰时段明显外扩;公共交通供给基本能满足4个案例社区的居民公共交通工作及游憩出行,但仍存在部分在工作出行最大忍受时耗内公共交通不可达的区域;在购物出行中,存在公共交通供需不平衡的情况.


    Abstract: Based on the urban public transport network data of 2011 and supported by the GIS software, the transit accessibility in communities is analyzed in this paper. Meanwhile, based on the survey data, how well the supply of public transport matches the transportation demand of community residents is explored. The results show that: transit accessibility in four sample communities in Guangzhou all present the distribution characteristic that it diffuses incrementally along the bus and subway routes network from community to all around; transit accessibility during the morning and evening peak hours is worse than that in other hours; the supply of public transport can basically satisfy the residents’ public transport travel demand for work and leisure, but there are still some public transport unreachable areas beyond the maximal bearable commuting time; the supply of public transport can’t meet the transportation demand of community residents for shopping.


