
The research of surface Plasmon coupling of metallic nanorods dimmer structures

  • 摘要: 本文利用离散偶极子近似法,研究金纳米棒双体结构之间的表面等离子体耦合共振特性,发现当金属双纳米棒之间的排列方式和间距改变时,其表面等离子体共振消光峰发生红移或者蓝移,适当间距的金纳米棒双体结构可以产生更强的局域表面增强电场. 本文对于金纳米棒双体结构的计算结果对于金纳米棒在生物传感方面应用具有一定的参考价值.


    Abstract: The extinction spectra and field distribution of the surface plasmon coupling of metallic nanorod dimmer structures in horizontal and vertical arrangements are calculated by the discrete dipole approximation. It is demonstrated that the peaks of extinction spectra will be red-shifted or blue-shifted due to the different arrangement and gap parameters. The appropriate separation gap has the stronger local electric field distribution for Au nanorod dimmers. The calculation results are expected to have potential applications in nano-scale probing device, nano-sized photocatalyst and biological sensors.


