
Time-consistent Strategy Multiperiod Mean Standard Deviation Portfolio Selection

  • 摘要: 文章运用标准差度量投资组合的风险,考虑交易成本、借贷约束和阈值约束等情况,提出了具有Vasicek随机利率和风险偏好的多阶段均值-标准差投资组合模型(V-M-SD)。基于博弈论的方法,将该模型转化为时间一致的动态优化问题,并使用离散近似迭代法求解满足时间一致性的最优投资组合。最后,实证分析借贷约束、阈值约束和风险规避系数对V-M-SD模型的最优时间一致性策略的影响。研究发现,当其他约束条件保持不变时,在一定的阈值范围内,投资组合的终期财富分别与借贷约束、阈值约束、风险规避系数正相关、正相关、负相关;投资组合的单位风险水平分别与借贷约束、阈值约束、风险规避系数负相关、负相关、正相关。


    Abstract: The standard deviation is used to measure portfolio risk. Considering the transaction costs, borrowing constraints, and threshold constraints, a multiperiod mean standard deviation portfolio selection with the Vasicek stochastic interest rate model and risk preference is proposed. Based on the game theory, the model is transformed into a time-consistent dynamic programming problem. A novel discrete approximate iteration method is designed to obtain the optimal time-consistent portfolio strategy. Finally, the impact of borrowing constraints, threshold constraints, and different risk preference coefficients on multi-period mean standard deviation optimal time-consistent strategy are analyzed in empirical analysis. It can be concluded that the terminal wealth of the portfolio is positive, positive, and negative with borrowing constraints, threshold constraints, and risk preference coefficients, respectively. The unit risk of the portfolio is negative, negative, and positive with borrowing constraints, threshold constraints, and risk preference coefficients, respectively.


