郑文, 薛亚涛. 广东高校本科层次工科人才培养结构研究[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 49(5): 120-128.
引用本文: 郑文, 薛亚涛. 广东高校本科层次工科人才培养结构研究[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 49(5): 120-128.
A Study on the Structure of Cultivating Talents of Undergraduate Engineering in Guangdong Colleges and Universities[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2017, 49(5): 120-128.
Citation: A Study on the Structure of Cultivating Talents of Undergraduate Engineering in Guangdong Colleges and Universities[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2017, 49(5): 120-128.


A Study on the Structure of Cultivating Talents of Undergraduate Engineering in Guangdong Colleges and Universities

  • 摘要: 统计分析了广东省本科高校工科类学生的总量、地区分布、城际分布以及校际分布等,运用spss17.0软件对广东省本科高校工科类学生总量和规模以上工业企业增加值之间的关系进行相关分析和回归分析,以全面梳理广东省本科工科类人才培养现状以及优化广东省本科高校工科类人才的培养结构. 研究发现:广东本科层次工科人才的培养与规模以上工业企业增加值之间存在相互促进的关系,广东本科层次工科人才的培养总量在逐年上升,且能较好地满足广东产业发展的需求,但也存在一些失衡现象:专业设置与产业需求错位;人才分布不能满足产业集聚、转移的需要;专业设置缺乏特色、校际趋同明显和学生集中度不高等. 基于此,采取措施促进广东工科类专业的设置要和广东主导产业或行业相对接,顺应广东产业集聚和产业转移的需要调整专业的区域布局;同时应鼓励高校提高工科学生集中度,扩大工科专业设置面,并改革财政拨款机制对上述变革予以引导.


    Abstract: In order to clarify the status quo of the undergraduate engineering and engineering personnel training in Guangdong Province and to optimize the cultivating structure of engineering talents in undergraduate colleges and universities in Guangdong Province, this paper adopts the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical research to study the engineering methods of undergraduate colleges in Guangdong Province The distribution of the total number of engineering students in the undergraduate colleges and universities in Guangdong Province and the value of industrial enterprises above the scale of the relationship between the value of the relevant analysis and regression analysis, the use of spss17.0 software, The research shows that there is a mutual promotion relationship between the cultivated talents of the undergraduate level and the above-mentioned industrial enterprises, and the total amount of cultivated talents in Guangdong is increasing year by year, and it can better meet the needs of Guangdong's industrial development Demand, but there are some imbalances:professional settings and industrial demand dislocation; talent distribution can not meet the needs of industrial agglomeration, transfer; professional settings lack of characteristics, inter-school convergence and student concentration is not high, etc. Based on this, to take measures to promote the Guangdong engineering class Set up and Guangdong to lead the industry or industry counterparts Conform to the need to adjust the industrial concentration and professional industrial transfer of the regional distribution of Guangdong; at the same time universities should be encouraged to increase the concentration of professional engineering, professional installation surface engineering to expand and reform the financial allocation mechanism to be guided to the above change.


