Analysis of land use Pattern Based on Geo-information TUPU in Qi’Ao Island, Zhuhai
Graphical Abstract
Based on the land use data translated from four high-resolution remote sensing images of 1996, 2003, 2009, 2013 in Zhuhai Qi'ao Island, land use change in three corresponding phases in Zhuhai Qi'ao Island is synthesized by the Geo-information TUPU of the mode of arable land by using ArcGIS 10.0 and basic theory of Geo-spectrum information. The results shows that the land use is changed significantly from 1996 to 2013: (1)From the overall trend of change, forest land, the construction area are somewhat increased. The largest new area atlas unit is woodland with an area of 492.3 hm2. It is mainly derived from tidal flat and sea area and is mainly distributed in the mangrove nature reserve of the northwest corner of the island. The construction land is the second largest with area of 143.38 hm2, mainly from bare land and shrub land. Within the scope of the study area, waters body, beaches and bare land are decreased. Sea beach is changed tidal flat and tidal flat is changed to forest land. Bare land is changed to construction land and pond water is changed ups and downs. (2)From the perspective of the spatial distribution of the pattern change, although the dominant position of the stable type, there is a great instability in the mangrove area at the northwest corner of the island. (3)From the perspective of the time distribution of the pattern change, the land change pattern has obvious stages, mainly in 1996-2009, and the land use pattern tends to be stable in 2009-2013.