Imaging of Crystal Stress Birefringence Based on Color Coding of Polarization State
Graphical Abstract
A new method of polarization state chromaticity imaging based on dual linear polarization CCD-full Stokes parameter measurement is proposed. Combining the method of separated focal plane Stokes parameter measurement with RGB color coding, a polarization state chromaticity value imaging system based on dual linear polarization CCD-full Stokes parameter measurement is achieved. Applied to the measurement of the stress birefringence distribution of the crystal model, the system can measure not only the distribution of the stress size but also the distribution of the stress direction. The distribution of polarization state chromaticity of the single-layer anisotropic Sr2TiSi2O8 microcrystals is studied, on this basis, using the confocal microscopy imaging technique. The experimental results show that the proposed method can be used to display all the polarization information of the substance directly in an image, recognize the difference in birefringence of the same material with different internal structures effectively, and observe the changes of the birefringence of crystal growth and determine the crystal growth orientation. This offers a simple and effective visualization method for the dynamic behavior of functional crystal growth.