Laboratory Techniques of Quantum Simulation using Bose-Einstein Condensates
The theory of Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) was firstly proposed by Einstein and Bose in 1925. Until 1994, the pure BEC was realized through laser cooling of atomic gases and won the 2001 Nobel Prize in physics. BEC has macroscopic quantum property and very long coherence time, which benefits the quantum simulation experimental study. Especially the development of BEC experiment techniques such as optical dipole trap, optical lattice, configurable micro-trap and quantum gases microscope. The BEC is a great quantum simulator in the research of fundamental models of condensed matter physics. Furthermore, BEC can be used to explore the new quantum physics and quantum states which dont exist in the natural word. Even in the understanding of non-equilibrium state and dynamic evolution, the fast quantum procedure can be detected by the BEC quantum simulator which is impossible in the traditional physics experiment.