朱竑, 刘博. 地方感、地方依恋与地方认同等概念的辨析及研究启示[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, (1).
引用本文: 朱竑, 刘博. 地方感、地方依恋与地方认同等概念的辨析及研究启示[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, (1).
Analysis and Research Implications of the Concepts of Sense of Place, Place Attachment and Place Identity[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2011, (1).
Citation: Analysis and Research Implications of the Concepts of Sense of Place, Place Attachment and Place Identity[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2011, (1).


Analysis and Research Implications of the Concepts of Sense of Place, Place Attachment and Place Identity

  • 摘要: 地方感、地方依恋与地方认同已经成为文化地理学研究的热点,但目前研究者对其概念的内涵和概念之间的关系都尚未达成共识.鉴此,本文梳理了国内外相关文献,在明确概念内涵的基础上,明晰了概念间的关系.研究指出:地方感是一个动态变化的包容性概念,包括地方依恋与地方认同两个维度;地方依恋与地方认同是2个相关但各具独特内涵的概念,研究过程中应对其进行有效区分;地方依恋会影响地方认同,二者都有助于地方感的构建.文章最后指出,未来研究中应该从概念构建上突出地方本身的独特性和典型性,研究中应综合运用多种方法,空间上应区分地方感的不同空间尺度,时间上则应强调地方感研究的动态观点.


    Abstract: Sense of place, place attachment and place identity have become the important hotspots in cultural geography studies. However, there is no consensus on how to define these concepts and the relations among them remain unclear. This paper reviewed the relevant literatures to make clear the meaning of these concepts and the relations among them. The followings are the main points of view: 1. Sense of place is a dynamic and inclusive concept which includes two dimensions of place attachment and place identity. 2. Place attachment and place identity are two related but different with their own unique contents which should be differentiated effectively in future studies. 3. Place attachment has influence on place identity and both of them will help to build sense of place. Finally, the paper points out that future research should: 1. highlight the uniqueness of place itself in concept construction; 2. make use of diverse research methods; 3. distinguish spatial scales of sense of place; 4. emphasize the dynamic point of view in study of sense of place.


