许良政, 李诺. 调控根系对玉米幼苗生长及氮素利用的影响[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 49(4): 68-72.
引用本文: 许良政, 李诺. 调控根系对玉米幼苗生长及氮素利用的影响[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 49(4): 68-72.
Liang-Zheng XUNuo LI, . Morphogenesis, Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization in Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Line as Regulated by Grown under Different Root constructs[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2017, 49(4): 68-72.
Citation: Liang-Zheng XUNuo LI, . Morphogenesis, Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization in Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Line as Regulated by Grown under Different Root constructs[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2017, 49(4): 68-72.


Morphogenesis, Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization in Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Line as Regulated by Grown under Different Root constructs

  • 摘要: 在石英砂培养条件下,研究了切除种子根和阻止不定根下扎,对不同根系构成的玉米形态建成、氮素吸收和利用及吸收根补偿效应的影响。结果表明,玉米地上部形态建成随根系形态建成的抑制而抑制,反映为全株干物重随根的干物重、长度、表面积和体积的减弱而显著下降,根冠比减小。控制不定根扎入砂中但保留种子根(处理Ⅰ)及切除种子根且控制不定根扎入砂中(处理Ⅱ)的植株与对照相比,虽全株氮吸收量显著下降,但通过加强氮素在地上部分配利用及大幅提高氮素吸收效率而体现了较高的氮素利用效率。处理Ⅰ和处理Ⅱ的玉米吸收根表现出强烈补偿生长现象,但不同根系形态性状对吸收根补偿效应的贡献随根系间差异、特别是根的粗细差异而变化。与对照相比,处理Ⅰ植株和处理Ⅱ植株中,补偿效应最强的是根长、其次是根表面积、第三是根体积、根干物质重最弱;但处理Ⅱ与处理Ⅰ比较,根干物质重补偿效应最强、根长和根表面积相近居其次、根体积最弱。表明当玉米根体积差别大时,根长比根干物质重更能体现根系功能,而当玉米根体积相近时,根干物质重比根长对根系功能更有意义。


    Abstract: Maize(Zea mays L.) was grown in quartz sand culture either with a normal root system (co- ntrols) or with seminal roots and primary root(treatmentⅠ, ‘double-rooted’),with primary root only (trea- tment Ⅱ, ‘single-rooted’).Development of adventitious roots was prevented by using plants with an eti- olated mesocotyl and the stem base was positioned 5 cm -8 cm above the sand(Fig.1Da). As compare with controls, the growth of the whole plants(Table1) and their shoots(Fig.1A), their ratio of absorption root to shoot (Fig.3)were restricted as roots were restricted. Even though the net increments in dry we- ight(Table6), N contents(Table6) and N contents(Table5) of whole plants which had either with seminal roots and primary root or with primary root only were obviously decreased during a 10-d study period, but they enable the plants to restore the more strongly N use efficiency by some compensatory growth mechanisms under root system was restricted, such as increments in N allocation of shoots was obvio- usly increased(Table5),the N absorption efficiency of roots was greatly increased(Fig.2). As compare with controls, among the root characteristics of treatmentⅠand treatment Ⅱthat were analyzed, root length had strongest effect on the root function, root dry weight had the weakest effect, root surface area and root volume which had similar effect on the root function was intermediate. Between treatment Ⅱ and treatmentⅠ, root dry weight had strongest effect on the root function, root volume had the weakest effect, root length and root surface area which had similar effect on the root function was intermediate. The results indicated that root length was more important to the root function than the root dry weight when there was great difference in different plant root volume, but root dry weight was more important to the root function than the root length when different plant root volume was similar.


