罗穗莲, 潘慧铭, 王跃林, 陈义唐. 碳酸钙对RTV硅橡胶密封胶的补强研究[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 1(2): 62-65 .
引用本文: 罗穗莲, 潘慧铭, 王跃林, 陈义唐. 碳酸钙对RTV硅橡胶密封胶的补强研究[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 1(2): 62-65 .
Reinforcement of calcium carbonate on RTV silicone rubber[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2009, 1(2): 62-65 .
Citation: Reinforcement of calcium carbonate on RTV silicone rubber[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2009, 1(2): 62-65 .


Reinforcement of calcium carbonate on RTV silicone rubber

  • 摘要: 摘要:选择多种不同粒径及表面处理的碳酸钙作为RTV硅橡胶密封胶的补强填料.通过分析碳酸钙填充RTV硅橡胶密封胶的拉伸行为和动态粘弹谱图,由实验结果分析,认为表面包覆硅膜的碳酸钙复合粒子与硅橡胶作用机理和脂肪酸处理的碳酸钙与硅橡胶作用的机理不完全一样.碳酸钙复合粒子与橡胶基体作用主要是通过表面的硅膜与橡胶作用.碳酸钙复合粒子的抗位移能力好于其它种类的碳酸钙,适合用于高模量的结构胶


    Abstract: ABSTRACT: Reinforcement of calcium carbonate on silicone rubber was discussed in detail at particle sizes, surface performance. The reason was analyzed through isotherm of stress-strain and DMAT. It was thought that the mechanism of calcium carbonate composite particles reinforced silicone rubber was not the same as calcium carbonate treated by fatty acid reinforced. The role in silicon membrane and the rubber takes effect mainly between calcium carbonate composite particls and rubber matrix. Calcium carbonate composite particles are suitable for high-modulus structural adhesive because their resistance displacement ability is better than others. Keywords: silicone rubber; calcium carbonate; reinforceing


