王帅, 陈忠暖. 近十年广州市产业结构及经济职能变动分析[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 46(6): 114-120.
引用本文: 王帅, 陈忠暖. 近十年广州市产业结构及经济职能变动分析[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 46(6): 114-120.
Changes in the industrial structure and economic functions of Guangzhou, 2003-2012[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 46(6): 114-120.
Citation: Changes in the industrial structure and economic functions of Guangzhou, 2003-2012[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 46(6): 114-120.


Changes in the industrial structure and economic functions of Guangzhou, 2003-2012

  • 摘要: 通过分析广州市2003-2012年产业结构与城市经济职能变动情况,并实证分析广州市生产性服务业发展与经济增长关系,发现(1)目前,第二产业对地区经济发展的拉动不强,第三产业对GDP的拉动作用长期稳定在较高水平,但劳动力就业结构适应慢于产业结构调整的速度,存在资源配置不合理的状况。(2)原来作为广州城市经济基础部门的工业和建筑业的地位下降,变为城市内部需要服务的产业,而服务业基本经济活动占有相当比重,而且有增长的趋势,已经发展成为基础性经济部门。(3)在工业化后期阶段,未来经济持续快速发展的动力将更加依赖于服务业的发展。但不同发展阶段对服务的需求不同,导致服务业结构随着经济社会发展不断演变,服务业内部从消费性服务业主导转向生产性服务业主导。


    Abstract: Guangzhou has experienced a rapid economic growth over the past decade, and has entered the stage of the service economy. By analyzing changes in the industrial structure and economic functions of Guangzhou in 2003-2012, and conducting a regression equation model to analysis the relationship between producer services and economic growth, this study finds that: (1)The pulling effects of secondary industry on city's economic development is not strong in this period, meanwhile, the pulling effects of the tertiary industry is much more higher and has maintained at a high level, but the employment structure doesnt match its industrial structure, which indicates that the present status of resource allocation is unreasonable. (2)The status of industry and construction sector has declined, and has changed from basic sector to non-basic sector, and with this transition, the service sector has developed into a basic sectors. (3)The producer service sector has become an important driving force for the future economic development of Guangzhou.


