严标宾, 林知, 邓珊. 工作-家庭促进对职业女性主观幸福感的影响——基于中国样本的分析[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 46(6): 121-127.
引用本文: 严标宾, 林知, 邓珊. 工作-家庭促进对职业女性主观幸福感的影响——基于中国样本的分析[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 46(6): 121-127.
A Study on the Relationship of Work-Family Facilitation and Subjective Well-being among Professional Women-An Analysis Based on the Sample Of China[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 46(6): 121-127.
Citation: A Study on the Relationship of Work-Family Facilitation and Subjective Well-being among Professional Women-An Analysis Based on the Sample Of China[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 46(6): 121-127.


A Study on the Relationship of Work-Family Facilitation and Subjective Well-being among Professional Women-An Analysis Based on the Sample Of China

  • 摘要: 以179位不同背景的职业女性为对象,通过实证研究,探讨了其工作-家庭关系与主观幸福感二者之间的关系.研究结果显示:(1)职业女性家庭对工作的促进与工作对家庭的促进中度正相关,两者互溢;(2)职业女性工作-家庭促进影响其主观幸福感,但家庭对工作促进的情感促进变量起最主要的作用;(3)在职业女性工作-家庭促进影响主观幸福感的关系中,人口统计学变量起到微弱的调节作用.


    Abstract: The relationship between professional womens work-family facilitation and their subjective well-being (SWB) is studied. 179 sample objects came from different personal situations. Through the questionnaires and data analysis, we can identify the relationship between the work-family and SWB. The results of the research show: Firstly, there is a positive relation between work-to-family facilitation and family-to-work facilitation. In other words, they facilitate each other among professional women. Secondly, work-family facilitation affects professional womens subjective well-being. Compared with work-to-family facilitation, family-to-work facilitation has a more remarkable influence on subjective well-being, where emotion facilitation is the most influential factor. Thirdly, personal characteristic variations such as ages, marital statuses and education qualifications have little significant monitor effect in the relationship between work-family facilitation and SWB among professional women. Key words: Professional women; Work-family facilitation; Subjective well-being


