赵淦森, 汤庸, 王维栋, 虞海, 周尚勤. 云计算中的信息系统生存性量化分析研究[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 45(6).
引用本文: 赵淦森, 汤庸, 王维栋, 虞海, 周尚勤. 云计算中的信息系统生存性量化分析研究[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 45(6).
Quantitative Analysis Research on Survivability of Information Systems in Cloud[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2013, 45(6).
Citation: Quantitative Analysis Research on Survivability of Information Systems in Cloud[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2013, 45(6).


Quantitative Analysis Research on Survivability of Information Systems in Cloud

  • 摘要: 关注于分布式信息系统的生存性的评估和优化,提出了一种部署于IaaS云环境的分布式信息系统的生存性量化分析框架:提出了一种量化评估部署于IaaS云环境的分布式信息系统的生存性的框架;在该框架下,提供了分析计算近似最优生存性的部署方案的方法;应用多种算法进行了实验,验证了生存性量化分析框架的有效性和应用到实际场景中的效果.


    Abstract: Survivability is one of the important indicators of an information system, which describes the ability that a system can complete its task timely even after attacks, failures or accidents occurred. A quantitative analysis framework on survivability of distributed information systems which are deployed in IaaS cloud environment is proposed. The major research direction is to evaluate the robustness of physical devices, calculate the priority of different components, and then analyze the survivability of a distributed information system in a limited scope of several physical devices and virtual machines with a deployment plan. Afterwards, theframework can draw a better deployment plan for the distributed information system to archive quasi-optimal survivability in limited environment. Finally, the deployment plan will be converted to maintenance commands and executed by IaaS cloud platform. The main contribution of the paper includes: aquantitative analysis framework on survivability of distributed information systems deployed in IaaS cloud environment, method to calculate a better deployment plan to archive quasi-optimal survivability for a distributed information system in limited environment, applying several algorithms to experiment the availability of the framework, and testing the effect of the frame in actual scene.


