孙道椿, 张少华, 吴昭君. 代数体函数与其系数函数的Borel点[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 46(1): 11-16.
引用本文: 孙道椿, 张少华, 吴昭君. 代数体函数与其系数函数的Borel点[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 46(1): 11-16.
The Borel points of algebroidal function and its coefficient functions[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 46(1): 11-16.
Citation: The Borel points of algebroidal function and its coefficient functions[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 46(1): 11-16.


The Borel points of algebroidal function and its coefficient functions

  • 摘要: 研究了代数体函数的系数函数的Borel点与代数体函数的Borel点之间的关系. 先证明了定义在单位圆内的代数体函数的几个定理, 然后利用这些新定理证明了: e^it是单位圆内整代数体函数W(z)的p(1)级Borel点的充分必要条件是至少存在一个正整数j\in\0,1,2,...,k-1\,使e^it是系数函数A_j(z)的p级Borel点.


    Abstract: The relationship between the Borel point of algebroid functions and that of its coefficient functions is studied in this paper. Some results on the algebroid function defined in the unit disc are established. As an application, e^it is a Borel point of entire algebroid function W (z) of order p (1) if and only if e^it is a Borel point of coefficient function A_j (z) of order p for some positive integer j\in\0,1,2,..., k-1\ is proved.


