钱华菊. 水稻氮、磷、钾肥效"3414"不完全试验初探[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 1(1): 105-110 .
引用本文: 钱华菊. 水稻氮、磷、钾肥效"3414"不完全试验初探[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 1(1): 105-110 .


  • 摘要: 摘要:为取得土壤养分供应量、作物吸收养分量、肥料利用率等测土配方施肥技术参数,采用 3414不完全试验,在西昌市7个试验点6个土壤类型上实施水稻的5个处理3次重复小区试验,结果表明:氮、磷、钾配合施用的增产效果优于氮磷、氮钾和磷钾之间的配合;氮肥主要通过影响植株的分蘖、株高、穗长等总体发育影响水稻产量,磷肥、钾肥主要通过影响水稻的结实率和千粒重影响水稻产量;不同试验点间水稻的增产率、产出率和产投比均以氮肥最高、磷肥次之、钾肥最后.


    Abstract: Abstract:For the purpose of obtaining Fertilization technical parameters of soil nutrient supply, Crop nutrient absorption capacity, the utilization rate of fertilizer,3414 incomplete tests which deal with 5 facts and repeat 3 times were proceeded in 7 test points on 6 soil types in the city. The results showed that: the effect of N,P,K application is better than the application of N and P, N and K, P and K. The main effects of nitrogen fertilizer mainly through impacting the tiller, plant height, ear length, and so the overall impact on the development of rice production. Phosphate, potash, primarily by impacting the weight of thousand rice grain and the grain production to impact on the development of rice production . the rate of rice production, productivity and the rate between investment and production in different test points nitrogen fertilizer are the highest, followed by phosphate, potash final.


