罗仁泽, 杨高, 周春山. 快速移民城市的就业空间特征及影响因素——以深圳市为例[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 52(5): 106-117. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020083
引用本文: 罗仁泽, 杨高, 周春山. 快速移民城市的就业空间特征及影响因素——以深圳市为例[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 52(5): 106-117. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020083
LUO Renze, YANG Gao, ZHOU Chunshan. The Characteristics and Mechanisms of Employment Space in Fast-Migrating Cities:A Case Study of Shenzhen[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 52(5): 106-117. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020083
Citation: LUO Renze, YANG Gao, ZHOU Chunshan. The Characteristics and Mechanisms of Employment Space in Fast-Migrating Cities:A Case Study of Shenzhen[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 52(5): 106-117. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020083


The Characteristics and Mechanisms of Employment Space in Fast-Migrating Cities:A Case Study of Shenzhen

  • 摘要: 利用就业人口统计、手机信令以及地铁站点人流等相关数据,以深圳市为例,研究快速移民城市的就业空间特征及影响因素.研究结果表明:(1)深圳市的就业人口重心呈现由东向西再向北的移动趋势,多中心的就业空间格局正在形成;(2)就业人口密度总体呈现从中心区向中间地区、外围地区依次下降的圈层格局;(3)金融就业向心集聚性强,制造就业趋向外围分布,消费服务就业呈现向心集聚和外围新增的双重特征;(4)中心区的职住失衡程度较高,导致大量跨行政区的通勤交通;(5)深圳市的就业空间特征及变化与其移民城市的发展密切关联,其中,产业布局、交通条件、城市规划和住房价格是影响深圳市就业空间形成的主要原因;(6)与合肥市和沈阳市2个非移民城市相比,深圳市的就业空间演变速度较快,新的就业中心正在形成,城市呈现多中心的就业空间格局,深圳市的职住分离程度更加明显,职住通勤的平均距离也较大.


    Abstract: The characteristics and mechanisms of employment space in the fast-migrating city Shenzhen is studied, using the data of employment population, cell phone signaling and passenger data at subway stations. The following results are obtained. First, the center of the employed population in Shenzhen tends to move from east to west and then to north and a pattern of multi-center employment space is being formed. Second, the density of employed population shows a pattern of circles, decreasing from the central area to the middle area and to the peripheral area. Third, employment in the financial sector exhibits obvious concentric agglomeration, employment in the manufacture sector tends to be distributed peripherally, and employment in the consumer services demonstrates the dual characteristics of concentric agglomeration and peripheral addition. Fourth, the separation of work and residence is becoming more serious, leading to a large amount of commuter transportation across administrative districts. Fifth, industrial layout, transportation conditions, urban planning and housing prices are the main factors influencing the formation of employment space in Shenzhen. Finally, compared with the two non-immigrant cities Hefei and Shen-yang, Shenzhen undergoes faster development of employment space, new employment centers are formed more rapi-dly, a pattern of multi-center employment space has formed, and the separation of work and residence is more obvious with a greater average commuting distance between work and residence.


