陶伟, 任建造. 国内人文地理学的空间认知研究进展[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 52(5): 1-10. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020071
引用本文: 陶伟, 任建造. 国内人文地理学的空间认知研究进展[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 52(5): 1-10. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020071
TAO Wei, REN Jianzao. Progress in Domestic Research on Spatial Cognition in Human Geography[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 52(5): 1-10. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020071
Citation: TAO Wei, REN Jianzao. Progress in Domestic Research on Spatial Cognition in Human Geography[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 52(5): 1-10. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2020071


Progress in Domestic Research on Spatial Cognition in Human Geography

  • 摘要: 空间认知是一种主观性体验,不仅反映了物质空间的主观映射,还表征地理空间与认知主体之间的相互作用.随着20世纪地理学的人本主义转向,人文地理学者开始思考主观认知与环境空间的关系.文章在梳理国内人文经济地理领域与空间认知相关的核心文献的基础上,概括了有关空间认知的基本概念与内涵,并对空间认知的主体与客体、空间认知结构、空间认知过程和空间认知外化手段4个议题进行了梳理与归纳.在此基础上,厘清并总结了国内人文地理学对空间认知进行研究的实际状况:(1)空间认知内涵在不断深化,由静态转向动静态的相互结合. (2)研究结构在不断完善. (3)研究范式趋向本土化,体现了4个重要转变:研究主体从单一社会属性主体向多利益关系主体转变;研究尺度从传统的城市空间向功能性城市空间转变;空间单元从城市空间向城乡空间转变;研究方法从定性方法为主向定性方法和定量方法相结合转变.


    Abstract: Spatial cognition is a type of subjective experience, which not only reflects the subjective mapping of material space but also represents the interaction between geographic space and the cognitive subject. Since the humanistic turn in the middle of the last century, human geographers have turned to think about the relationship between subjective cognition and the environment. The core concepts and meanings of spatial cognition in the field of human economics and geography are summarized on the basis of domestic studies. Four major topics of spatial cognition, including the subject and object of spatial cognition, spatial cognitive structure, spatial cognitive process, and the externalization of spatial cognition, were induced and discussed. Three important characteristics of spatial cognition studies in the field of human geography in China are illustrated: (1) the notion of spatial cognition is developing and deepening, from a static understanding to a combination of static and dynamic understandings; (2) the research content and structure are constantly developing and improving; and (3) the research paradigm is increasingly localized, showing four important changes: the research subject changing from a single social subject to multiple interest subjects, the research scale changing from traditional urban space to functional urban space, the unit of object space changing from urban space to village and township space, and the research method changing from qualitative method to a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.


