Two-Grid IPDG Method for Non-Symmetric Indefinite Elliptic Equations
摘要: 针对一类非对称或不定椭圆方程的内罚间断有限元方法,设计和分析了相应的两网格求解算法.首先给出了内罚间断有限元解的适定性,及其在L2和间断H1范数下的先验估计;其次设计了相应的两网格求解算法,并给出算法的误差分析;最后,数值实验结果验证了算法的高效性.Abstract: A two-grid interior penalty discontious Galkerkin (IPDG) method for non-symmetric indefinite elliptic equations is proposed. Firstly, the well-posedness of IPDG method and the optimal error estimates in both L2 norm and discontinuous H1 norm are proved. Then, the corresponding two-grid method is designed and the error estimate of the algorithm is provided. At last, the efficiency of the algorithm is validated by numerical experiments.