By analyzing high resolution images of Qi'ao Island area in Zhuhai in years of 1999, 2003, 2008, and 2013, the LUCC (Land-Use and Land-Cover Change) of this area from 1999 to 2013 is obtained. The result indicates the immense value of ecosystem service in Qi'ao Island, and the value has been increasing steadily in general for 15 years. The land area increases 25% in which forest area increases 464 hm2; construction land decreases 396 hm2; bare land area decreases 27936 hm2 and water area (ponds) decreases 9745 hm2. The ecosystem service value of this area in these four stages are 14904106 yuan, 17246106 yuan, 17107106 yuan, and 20735106 yuan, respectively. Among which, the value of the forest, which is the biggest and has been increasing, is playing a critical role. The result shows how great the ESV of Qi'ao Island is, which has been increasing consistently for 15 years overall. Also, the ecological recovery has made remarkable achievement. Taking the change of ecosystem services function as index to monitor the effect of island ecological restoration is an effective method. Qi'ao Island Provincial nature reserve has made good results on the protection of mangrove, which has a positive influence on the environment and ecology of Zhuhai area and the Pearl River Delta area.