吴智刚, 袁振杰. 旅游发展背景下土地集约内涵研究 ——以广东巽寮湾和海陵岛滨海旅游区为例[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 47(2): 143-149. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.048
引用本文: 吴智刚, 袁振杰. 旅游发展背景下土地集约内涵研究 ——以广东巽寮湾和海陵岛滨海旅游区为例[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 47(2): 143-149. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.048
Wu Zhigang, Yuan Zhenjie. Study on TourismDerived Meaning of ‘The Intensive Use of Land’: Case Study of Xunliaowan and Hailing Island Costal Resorts in Guangdong[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2015, 47(2): 143-149. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.048
Citation: Wu Zhigang, Yuan Zhenjie. Study on TourismDerived Meaning of ‘The Intensive Use of Land’: Case Study of Xunliaowan and Hailing Island Costal Resorts in Guangdong[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2015, 47(2): 143-149. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.048

旅游发展背景下土地集约内涵研究 ——以广东巽寮湾和海陵岛滨海旅游区为例

Study on TourismDerived Meaning of ‘The Intensive Use of Land’: Case Study of Xunliaowan and Hailing Island Costal Resorts in Guangdong

  • 摘要: 当前关于土地集约化内涵的讨论主要在城市经济发展为主的测量视角.然而,伴随着中国城市化的推进,一方面土地开发强度和广度不断加大,另一方面土地开发模式和主题越趋多元化.鉴于旅游开发对比城市开发区和新区开发而言具有更强的灵活性和多元性的发展背景,旅游发展背景下的土地集约利用应有新的理论内涵.因此,从旅游发展背景出发,重新审视土地集约发展的新内涵.通过分析广东巽寮湾和海陵岛这2个典型滨海旅游区的土地开发历程,采用文本收集与对比分析方法,发现旅游发展背景下的土地集约化内涵可以做出新的解读:土地开发的公有化原则是土


    Abstract: Currently, the discussion on the intensive use of land has been set in the context of urban development, constructing economic perspectives on this topic. However, with the development of urbanization in China, not only the increasing intensive and ex


