李海燕. 中国外来鱼类寄生古氏虫属(单殖吸虫,锚首虫科)3个种的描述[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 47(3): 107-0. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.028
引用本文: 李海燕. 中国外来鱼类寄生古氏虫属(单殖吸虫,锚首虫科)3个种的描述[J]. 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 47(3): 107-0. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.028
Description of three species of Gussevia Kohn & Paperna,1964 (Monogenea, Ancyrocephalidae) from the gills of Exotic fish Astronotus ocellatus in China[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2015, 47(3): 107-0. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.028
Citation: Description of three species of Gussevia Kohn & Paperna,1964 (Monogenea, Ancyrocephalidae) from the gills of Exotic fish Astronotus ocellatus in China[J]. Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2015, 47(3): 107-0. DOI: 10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.028


Description of three species of Gussevia Kohn & Paperna,1964 (Monogenea, Ancyrocephalidae) from the gills of Exotic fish Astronotus ocellatus in China

  • 摘要: 记述了锚首虫科Ancyrocephalidae单殖吸虫中国1外来属,3外来种,即寄生在地图鱼 Astronotus ocellatus鳃上的古氏虫属Gussevia Kohn Paperna,1964,破坏古氏虫Gussevia asota Kritsky , Tharcher & Boeger 1989,地图古氏虫Gussevia astronoti Kritsky , Tharcher & Boeger 1989和罗杰古氏虫 Gussevia rogersi Kritsky , Tharcher & Boeger 1989.所获标本的形态与原始描述基本相似,量度略有差异.


