推广的非 Bazilevic函数的beta 阶星像性

Starlikeness of order beta for generalized non-Bazilevic functions

  • 摘要: 建立了2个微分从属引理,应用微分从属和微分不等式的方法,得到了非 Bazilevi\uc函数是\beta 阶星像函数和强星像函数的一些充分条件.


    Abstract: The starlikeness of order \beta and strongly starlikeness for generalized non-Bazilevi\uc functions are investigated. Firstly, two lemmas of differential subordination are established. By applying differential subordination and differential inequality, some sufficient conditions are obtained for validating that generalized class of non-Bazilevi\uc functions are a subclass of starlike functions of order \beta or strongly starlike functions of order \gamma.


